Sunday, January 31, 2010

New Years Resolution 2010 - week 5

All things considered, this was a pretty good week. I became sick on Tuesday and it never really let up until the weekend. This made a couple of resolutions quite a challenge.
  1. Drink 8 cups of water - I bent the rules just a little on this one while I was sick. On the worst days I drank 4-6 cups of water but drank an additional 4-6 cups of orange juice with club soda (my drink of choice when sick). Normally only pure water is acceptable for my challenge but if I'm sick, I think this substitution is fine.

  2. 20 minutes exercise X 5 - I only got in 2 workouts out of 5 (again, because I was sick) which is a 40% success rate.... lower than the 50% necessary for a yellow square so I have to be content with a red. The funny thing was, I tried to do yoga while I was sick so I could still get my resolution workouts in. This worked fine for about 2 minutes until they started asking for "deep yoga breathing" which my lungs and sinuses were not going to let me do LOL. I did my best for the session but never tried it again.

  3. Claire training sessions X 5 - Claire and I had 5 sessions where we covered the obedience stand, conformation stacking, and free-stacking. It's surprising how good she has gotten in just 5 sessions of reinforcing the stand commands.

  4. Have chocolate only once - I can't believe I've gone 2 whole weeks without chocolate. I know I'm "allowed" to have it but I'm afraid to waste my weekly indulgence on cheap chocolate or an early-in-the-week craving. So the situation just hasn't presented itself yet where partaking in chocolate seems worth it.

  5. Take vitamins twice a day - Although my goal was to take them with breakfast and supper, I'm really glad I counted success for just taking them twice a day as the times I took them varied wildly.

This week my goal is to not eat anything after 8pm with one allowance made per week. The goal is because almost every time I eat later in the evening I reach for junk food.... either salty or sweet but rarely with any nutrients. These are needless calories that don't get burned off as I go to bed about 9:30pm. The reason for allowing myself one day off from this rule is because my schedule can often be so crazy that I simply can't eat anything until 8pm or close to it. So this is to allow me the flexibility to deal with weeks were I have crazy days like that.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Years Resolution 2010 - week 4

Uh oh! My first yellow square happened this week.
  1. Drink 8 cups of water - almost missed a day as I got busy running around town on Friday and didn't bring my water bottle with me. But I pulled it together in the evening and got my minimum water amount in :)

  2. 20 minutes exercise X 5 - I've developed a habit now of exercising each morning before work. Whether it's teaching my class, doing some yoga, or walking the dogs (weather permitting), if I can get my exercise done in the morning then anything I do later in the day or on the weekends is a bonus.

  3. Claire training sessions X 5 - Here's where I messed up and only got 4 sessions in. I had 5 sessions planned but life had other plans this week. 4 is still good and I'm giving myself a yellow square :)

  4. Have chocolate only once - I actually didn't have any chocolate at all. So I get a big ol' green square for that :) Having a goal and some accountability (this blog) really helped. To be honest, I didn't even miss it. Last week it seemed like an overwhelming goal but it turned out to be one of the easiest so far... for one week at least LOL!

This week's goal is also aimed at improving my health. I take a multi-vitamin twice a day. Well, I'm SUPPOSED to take it twice a day LOL. But all too often I forget the evening one. I'm supposed to take it with food but that never happens... if I remember at all it's usually the last thing I do before bedtime. So the goal is to take the vitamin twice a day with food (breakfast and supper) but if I take it twice, even if it's not with food, then that will still count as success. It's just a matter of making it a habit.

Wish me luck :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

New Years Resolution 2010 - week 3

3 resolutions this week and doing fine. :D

  1. Drinking water - never an issue. Getting in 10 cups or more most days. :)

  2. 20 minutes exercise, 5 times - I started teaching my step classes again which took care of 2 sessions. Then one day I used an exercise DVD, one time I jumped on the treadmill, and one time I went with Vince to take the dogs for a walk. Last weekend I found a bunch of cheap exercise DVD's at Walmart (featuring people I recognized so I'm not worried about the quality of instruction). So I can't say I'm bored with my exercise routine now that I have 8 new 60 minute workouts to choose from :)

  3. Training Claire 5 times - This was the most challenging resolution as it was a new activity in my routine but one I really needed to do. I worked with Claire in each of obedience, agility, and conformation for at least one session in the week. My lowest priority is agility as I imagine it'll be 6-12 months before she'll be ready to compete but Claire will be competing in conformation and obedience (rally, to be specific) in about 10 weeks so any extra training sessions have been and will continue to be devoted to those pursuits.

For my fourth resolution this year I've decided to correct a very bad habit I picked up before Christmas and have stuck to with great enthusiasm. I've been eating way way WAY too much chocolate. Really, it's all sweets but chocolate, something I didn't even like that much, is something I've gotten a taste for and have been eating far too much of.... sometimes daily and occasionally more than once a day. That's crazy when I used to rarely eat chocolate.

So, with that in mind, I've decided to limit my chocolate intake to one time a week. It can be a "chocolate trio" dessert at Moxie's, a bag of M&M's at the movie theater, or I could waste it on a chocolate chip cookie in the break room at work LOL. I expect this to be the first step for a later resolution that is more restrictive in my sugar consumption but I need baby steps :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Years Resolution 2010 - week 2

Week 2 had some challenges. The goal was to do 20 minutes of cardio activity 5 days of the week. I made a minor change from cardio to 20 minutes of any kind of exercise... cardio, weights, yoga, etc. Unfortunately I was sick for 2 of the days early in the week so those were automatically the 2 days off. I really didn't want to mess up the resolutions so early in the year so I had to be really vigilant in getting the required 20 minutes in all of the other days. But I did it :D

The week 1 challenge of drinking 8 cups or more of water wasn't a problem at all. So I get a green square for that too.

As you can see on the chart below, I'm keeping track of my weeks and resolutions. Each week, for every resolution, past and current, I will either get a green square (100% followed), yellow square (mostly followed), or red square (followed 50% or less of the time). Of course I would like to have a pure green chart at the end of the year but I'm sure as the resolutions pile up I will slip up here and there so in the end the chart will look less like a pure green triangle than a Christmas Tree LOL!!

Two resolutions down.... fifty to go. It sounds daunting but I'm looking forward to the next one.

The goal for Week 3 is to do some kind of training (obedience, agility, or conformation) with Claire at least 5 days a week. I'm hoping to enter her first obedience (rally novice) competition at the end of March and although I know she has the basic skills to qualify, she needs to work around more distractions to help with her confidence in the ring. She'll also be in her first conformation show that weekend so although she doesn't need a lot of conformation training, per se, she needs a bit of work with free stacking and practice moving out on the show lead.

Check back next week to see how I did with the new resolution plus the previous 2 weeks. :)

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

2010... A New Year's Resolution - week 1

My new year's resolutions in the past, like so many other people's, haven't had much staying power. So for 2010 I decided to do something a little bit different. I'm going to have a new resolution each week. They will be small things.... things that a perfect person would be doing anyways... but hopefully I'll be able to stick to them and by the end of the year I'll have 52 new good habits.

For this personal challenge I decided to make the week run from Monday - Sunday. I'll blog about each week's success or failure at the end of the week.

The first week of 2010 was an abbreviated week.... Friday January 1st - Sunday January 3rd. The goal was to drink at least 8 cups of water each day. Drinking enough water hasn't been much of an issue for me but over the Christmas break I noticed I wasn't drinking as much as usual so I used the first few days to get back on track.

I'm happy to report that week 1 was a success. I drank 8 or more cups of water each day and felt better for it :) I think part of the reason I felt better was because I was better hydrated but the other part is because I was getting control over an aspect of my health that I had let slide over the Christmas break. It felt good to have a goal/plan/schedule after some time without one.

The goal for week 2 is to do 20 minutes of cardio 5 times over the course of the week. It has to be done on 5 different days and has to be outside of my normal routine. I start teaching step classes again next week so this is partly to help me gear back up for them after taking a month off. Check back next week to see if I met that goal and was able to keep up with the week 1 goal.