- Drink 8 cups of water - I bent the rules just a little on this one while I was sick. On the worst days I drank 4-6 cups of water but drank an additional 4-6 cups of orange juice with club soda (my drink of choice when sick). Normally only pure water is acceptable for my challenge but if I'm sick, I think this substitution is fine.
- 20 minutes exercise X 5 - I only got in 2 workouts out of 5 (again, because I was sick) which is a 40% success rate.... lower than the 50% necessary for a yellow square so I have to be content with a red. The funny thing was, I tried to do yoga while I was sick so I could still get my resolution workouts in. This worked fine for about 2 minutes until they started asking for "deep yoga breathing" which my lungs and sinuses were not going to let me do LOL. I did my best for the session but never tried it again.
- Claire training sessions X 5 - Claire and I had 5 sessions where we covered the obedience stand, conformation stacking, and free-stacking. It's surprising how good she has gotten in just 5 sessions of reinforcing the stand commands.
- Have chocolate only once - I can't believe I've gone 2 whole weeks without chocolate. I know I'm "allowed" to have it but I'm afraid to waste my weekly indulgence on cheap chocolate or an early-in-the-week craving. So the situation just hasn't presented itself yet where partaking in chocolate seems worth it.
- Take vitamins twice a day - Although my goal was to take them with breakfast and supper, I'm really glad I counted success for just taking them twice a day as the times I took them varied wildly.
This week my goal is to not eat anything after 8pm with one allowance made per week. The goal is because almost every time I eat later in the evening I reach for junk food.... either salty or sweet but rarely with any nutrients. These are needless calories that don't get burned off as I go to bed about 9:30pm. The reason for allowing myself one day off from this rule is because my schedule can often be so crazy that I simply can't eat anything until 8pm or close to it. So this is to allow me the flexibility to deal with weeks were I have crazy days like that.