Monday, February 22, 2010

New Years Resolution 2010 - week 8

This week was a little more normal than the last few weeks have been (because of Claire being in season) but we had the Family Day holiday and it was reading week which threw a bit of a wrench into things. My fitness classes were cancelled but I subbed 2 classes. It was a short work week but a very busy and stressful one.

I fell slightly short in 2 areas. I missed one traning session with Claire and I missed one workout. If I could have counted archery more than once I would have been fine on the workouts as I went to a competitive shoot on Sunday which took all day but couldn't count it and didn't have time (or the energy) to do another workout on top of it.

My latest resolution went well though. I was allowed 5 candies/cakes/cookies and had 4. And no chocolate :) I'm going to try for even less this week. Baby steps for me.

In the past couple of years I have really slacked on wearing my retainer after having braces for a few years. So my goal starting this week is to wear my retainer one night a week. My teeth are starting to creep back to their old crooked positions so hopefully this will stop them and bring them back to where they are supposed to be.

Monday, February 15, 2010

New Years Resolution 2010 - week 7

I'm making a slight change to the format of my weekly new years resolution blog post. I hate to focus on the negatives but for practical reasons I'll only be highlighting where I went off the rails each week. As the goals add up I'll have lots to keep track of without rehashing the details and I don't really think anyone cares how much water I drank or what time I went to bed. The goals will still be there and I'll write up anything that was other than expected.

So this week I had only one real slip up and overall did okay. Claire was still in season (her last week so next week I have no excuse! LOL) so her training sessions went by the wayside. I did 2 sessions but that fell short of what I wanted to do so I got a red square.

As this week contained Valentine's Day, a day traditionally celebrated with chocolate, I saved my day where I'm "allowed" to have chocolate for that day. So my chocolate-free time came to an end after 4 weeks.

This coming week's goal was going to have sweets (cakes, cookies, or candies) no more than twice a week. However, I had 2 already in the first day LOL! So I changed it to 5 times a week thinking that would be a more reasonable goal that I can attain. It certainly gives me something to reach for but hopefully is more realistic for me. If I choose to have chocolate in the week, that will be separate from these 5 sweets.

Although chocolate wasn't too hard for me to give up, I think sweets, specifically candy, will be very hard to give up. My weakness is caramel candies and gummy candies. I must be strong and resist! :)

Sunday, February 07, 2010

New Years Resolution 2010 - week 6

Well, this was rather an unusual week.
  1. Water - no problem :)
  2. 20 mins exercise X 5 - I did 4 formal exercise sessions plus 4 archery sessions. Given that archery is physical activity but not very strenuous I've decided that I can use only one archery session per week as an "exercise session" for this challenge. So for this week I met my 5 exercise sessions goal.
  3. Claire training sessions X 5 - unfortunately Claire was in standing heat this week so no obedience or agility class for her. And as I spent so much time doing archery in the evenings I didn't make the time to train her at home. I did 2 training sessions but that's not enough for a yellow square so I have a red one this week.
  4. Chocolate only once - I haven't had any chocolate again this week. It really wasn't that hard to give up chocolate I'm finding. I still have sugar and other desserts but none contain chocolate.
  5. Take vitamins twice a day - I had one minor slip up. I missed one evening vitamin but didn't realize it until the next day when it was too late to make it up. So... yellow square.
  6. No food after 8pm X 6 - Well, this happened to be one of those weeks where my schedule was not what I expected. With Claire being in season and me unable to take her to class I was free to go to archery shoots in small towns in Southern Alberta. Unfortunately this made for some very late nights and twice I ended up having supper after 8pm. I'm allowed one slip up but two = yellow square.

One side effect of all the late nights this week is I was absolutely shattered by Friday as I hadn't had enough sleep. Thus, the inspiration for this week's challenge. My goal is to be in bed by 10pm most nights. Some forgiveness is allowed on the weekend but I would like to be in bed by 10pm even then, if possible, so 6 nights a week is the goal.