Friday, December 23, 2005

Things that bug me

Let me start by saying that I never expected to start a blog. But I figured if Sarah's gonna do it, then I'm gonna do it too LOL. ;)

So after putting about 30 seconds of thought into what my first blog would be about, I thought I would share my list of grievances. I started this list about 3 weeks ago just to get it off my chest. But maybe it will start some great discussion and maybe, just maybe, something can be done about these annoyances we must deal with. Anyways, here is my list of things that bug me:

1. The Weaver family on the Amazing Race: Family Edition. These guys just drove me insane! They were some of the most hypocritical people ever..... I cheered when they didn't win LOL.

2. The annoying cartoon girl on the Pizza Hut commercials. You know, the one who promotes the Family "4-for-all" pizza because (insert whiney nasal kid voice here) "I don't like green peppers"

3. When people call me and start talking but they don't say who they are so I am left guessing. How difficult is it to say "Hi. It's Julie" before they start rambling on?

4. On a similar note, Telemarketers! You know how when you pick up the phone and say "hello" and then there is a pause before the telemarketers answer? I am always tempted to hang up then... but I guess I'm just too polite and I always let them at least tell me what they are selling before I say "not interested" and hang up.

5. Religious zealots. Don't get me wrong here.... I'm all for people believing in whatever higher power they wish to worship. HOWEVER... to be so wrapped up in one's religion that common sense leaves the room means that we simply cannot communicate with each other.

6. When my favorite prime time shows are interrupted by breaking news from Spokane! Or by American election results! These are not things that I care about.

7. When the tiny hinge on my eye-shadow case breaks and I have to handle it extra carefully to keep it all together. At first I thought this only happened to make-up from WalMart. But I recently had a blush compact from Estee Lauder break. I guess it's just in the nature of tiny make-up hinges to break.

8. Laundry and dishes... the never-ending battle

9. Skinny people... especially skinny people who tell me how much weight they want to lose.... oh SHUT UP!!! There should be a rule... if you are talking to someone more than 10 lbs heavier than you, then you are NOT allowed to discuss your own weight issues. If you feel the need to whine about the 6 ounces you want to lose then you have to find someone at least 10 lbs skinnier than yourself to listen to you.

10. People who are constantly negative and down on themselves. I'm all for a good bitch session (witness this entire rant LOL) but bitch sessions that go on for months and even years become very tiresome. If you can't see any good in yourself or anything around you then I don't want to hear what you have to say.

11. Ashlee Simpson. I can't really say why. I just don't like her.

12. Dry Clean Only labels. Does anyone LIKE Dry Clean Only labels?

13. Running out of Kleenex. This recently happened to me and if you need a Kleenex when there are none to be found... my friend you are experiencing a minor hell.

14. Cold weather. I mean REALLY cold..... minus 20 Celsius and below.

15. John Melendez's stupid two-finger wave/salute on the Tonight Show. It's a fairly new thing for him and it's really stupid. I miss the old announcer, Ed Hall.

16. People who intentionally cross breed dogs and market them to an unsuspecting public at hugely jacked up prices. Lack of ethics anyone?

17. Any person who breed dogs for money instead of looking out for the welfare of the dogs. Ties in with number 16.... these people are in it for themselves and not for the innocent puppies they are producing.

18. Wrong number calls on my cell phone. I have to pay for the calls I receive so if someone dials my number by mistake, that's 35 cents I'll never see again!

19. Getting my period. Approximately 50% of the world can sympathize with that one.

20. Celestial Seasonings tea bags. Why is an innocent tea bag on my list? Because this particular brand of tea bags don't have strings. So in order to remove the tea bag from my cup I either have to have a spoon handy or I burn my fingers trying to retrieve it from the scalding water.

Okay, that's it. Just 20 things that bug me :) Any additions?


Carlson02 said...

Most of these things bugs me too! *lol* they made me giggle. Cool Blog!

Louisa said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! :-)

Know what bugs me? My transmission dying in a town 4 hours from my home and 1.5 hours from my destination, 2 days before Christmas. Jolly.

But... know what I like? People doing genuinely good deeds for a couple whose car died 2 days before Christmas. That includes the mechanic who looked at our car and drove us to a restaurant to wait for Sarah and Todd, the people at the restaurant who kept us in good spirits, Sarah and Todd who drove out to rescue us, and the guy who rented us a car on Christmas Eve and waived the $275 one-way fee. There are truly good people in this world.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled rant. :-)