Friday, January 13, 2006

New Favorite Quote

My view of hell would be to be stuck in Mormon heaven.
--- Steve Benson

This is meant as no offense to mormons. I grew up mormon and was continuously told how mormon heaven (or the "celestial kingdom") is the ultimate goal and reward for living a good mormon life during our mortal existence.

However, the more I come to understand the doctrines of the mormon church (100% from mormon sources - nothing "anti-mormon" here) the less appealing the "celestial kingdom" is to me. In a nutshell, if the eternities are filled with either procreating endlessly in a polygymous relationship (supposedly the ultimate reward) or becoming a "ministering servant" (the highest reward for unmarried individuals) then I'm good having other goals and rewards :)


Louisa said...

How do expect that not to be offensive to Mormons? You're presenting a warped view of the Celestial Kingdom, and many people lives their lives striving with all their energy towards the real thing. You're entitled to your opinion, but don't expect me to not be offended.

Visichy said...

If you can show me where my error is, I will gladly adjust my blog. However, I stand by the facts as true and opinions as valid and relevant. I mean no offense. I mean only to present my view of a given situation.

Thanks for your comments :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know if "offend" is the right word here, but comments like that really discourages me from talking. I happen to know that you are one of the the world's kindest and most generous people but this kind of comment makes me go silent. I do not want to share that which I hold to be most precious with one who really does not want to hear it. Do you feel that I need to "wake-up" to the truth or something, so you are trying to rattle my cage? I feel that I have done enough research of my own and truly feel that the Church is true. Freedom of speech is even allowed on a blog but so is freedom of silence!

Carlson02 said...

I also was a bit offened... I know you didn't mean it, but I was. Also pologymy is choosen, not forced. A mans wife has to be ok with a second wife. And the Celestial Kingdom is about family, and being one large family. It is not about continually churning out children just for the sake of having children. I love you to pieces, but sometimes I feel like you are always putting down something that I truely believe in, and something that is very close to my heart. No matter what you are family, and whatever you do or say will not make me love you any less, it just hurts sometimes. 143

Anonymous said...

What happens to my comments when I have written them? They seem to disappear and I hear no more. Have I put my big foot in it? I hope not ... just stating my feelings with no intention of offending you. Love you!