Friday, January 06, 2006

Why losing weight is harder when you are sick!

I've heard people say they were sick for a week and lost 5 pounds. I don't believe it! Maybe if they had a stomach bug and couldn't eat anything for a week it would be possible but not for a cold or the flu. That's what I have right now and I can testify that weight loss is an even bigger challenge than it normally is.

First of all, when you are sick you can't go to the gym. It is disgusting when someone is sniffling on the treadmill next to you. Also, if your lungs are congested, the last thing you want to do is work out and make your lungs work even harder!

Secondly, I am sucking on Halls cough drops constantly. The package says to have a maximum of 2 per day but no one does that. I have like 2 packages per day. They don't list the nutritional information on the Halls packaging but considering they are basically candies (made with real sugar... no aspartame here) I would ball park them at about 40-50 calories each. Not so bad for just one or two.... but pretty bad for 2 packages per day!

And finally, just because the lungs are congested and the sinuses are stuffed doesn't mean the stomach doesn't work. I still get hungry so I still eat. However, the food choices are limited to what is available and quick. It has to be available because I don't have the energy to go to the store and buy fresh produce. And it has to be quick because I don't have the energy to stand in the kitchen preparing a big salad with grilled chicken breast. If someone went to the store and got the ingredients and then stood in the kitchen to make it for me then I would probably eat it but since I don't have anyone volunteering to do that, I'll just keep eating chocolate, popcorn, and cereal... none of which is weight-loss friendly :P

So I am hoping this cold/flu thing clears itself up soon. I want to go to the gym with all the other new year's resolution-ers and have a grilled chicken salad when I get home :)


Louisa said...

Aww, I hope you feel better soon. Long distance hugs!

Carlson02 said...

I hope you feel better too! I can sympathize in an odd way as well... lossing weight while trying to take care of a 7 momth old is nearly impossible. I can't go to the gym with him, can't go outside for a walk because it's winter, and whatever I eat has to be quick. Not only quick to make, but also quick to eat. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Poor ole girl. Don't forget to at least take a daily vitamin supplement. Wish I could be there to help you. Love you.....LOTS!