Monday, May 08, 2006

Blogs I Enjoy

Are you on this list? LOL

My friend Kelly's blog. Check for the awesome adventures of Billy (or Satan as he is commonly known as LOL)

My sister Louisa's blog. Highlights include reviews of House, The Office, and Survivor (plus some other shows I don't watch). The commentaries are awesome but beware.... they contain spoilers so if you have taped/Tivo'd it you should watch before reading :)

My cousin Sarah's blog. Although not updated very often (give her a break... Sarah is pregnant and has an 11 month old) it's an enjoyable read from small-town, Alberta :) I love the adventures of the Bright-one as he's my little buddy :)

Ross "The Intern" from the Tonight Show has a blog. Updated daily with pictures and insights into his life. Light hearted and fun but with a very "L.A." feel.

"Jenna's Blog" from The Office. Updated weekly (on the day before The Office airs). It's fun to read about the behind the scenes stuff from the show and get a sneak preview into the next episode.

I'll have a better blog in a day or two.... I'm very stressed about something but don't want to jinx it by talking about it :)


Louisa said...

Thanks for the mention! Sorry about the spoilers - I often watch shows a couple days after they aired, so I figure I'm the last one to see them, and any posts are safe. Oh well. I'm still going to write them. :-)

BTW, have you ever tried using an RSS reader like Bloglines to manage your access to blogs you read frequently? It's really handy, and you can get feeds from news sources (e.g. CBC or Zap2it TV news), daily Dilbert comics, and more. I'm a big fan of Bloglines. (

Carlson02 said...

Yep! I'm on this list. I even updated my blog just for you... it's a bit of a bitch-fest though.

Unknown said...

Awwww, thanks for including my Blog Vicky! I'm touched! I promise to update it, but probably not until next week, since you'll be here tomorrow anyhow!