Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Why do I sabotage myself?

When it comes to controlling what I eat, evenings are BY FAR the weakest and most challenging times for me. It's the time of day when I finally get to relax, watch tv, play on the computer, whatever I want to do. But for some reason it's also the time when I feel like I HAVE to be eating something. Even if I'm not hungry I get the munchies.

But Tuesday evenings are the worst. No coincidence that I weigh in every Wednesday. It's like I eat extra on Tuesday nights just to sabotage the next day's weigh in. I just can't seem to ever get full on Tuesday evenings.

I wonder if subconciously I really don't want to lose weight and that's why I eat and eat and eat on Tuesday nights. Do I get some kind of sick comfort from being extra large? Or maybe I've been overweight for so long I'm afraid that I won't be comfortable being a more "normal" size? Who knows? I need therapy LOL.

UPDATE: I weighed in today and had a small loss (just under a pound). This is a huge relief after last week's slight (0.4 lbs) gain but I'm still kicking myself as I know I would be doing way better if not for those late night munchies! Oh well, I'll take any loss over a gain :)


Unknown said...

I am the WORST for late-night munchies, but only if I know there is snack food in the house. If I can manage to keep chips and crackers out of the house, I'm fine. I don't know what to tell you, other than congrats on the weight loss, regardless of how slight it seems. A victory is a victory, no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Determine the snack food you hate most.
Determine the condiment you hate most.
Determine the beverage you hate most -- porbably Diet Dr Pepper.

Take a bowl
If the bowl is clean, add some dirt, water.
Dump out excess.
Add the snack food
Smother the snack food in the condiment
Add a splash of the beverage

Inhale the nice aroma

I hope this helps curb your snacking tendencies.

Anonymous said...

Victory for Vicky. Yay!