Monday, September 29, 2008

TV Premiere Week

The first week of new fall TV has come and gone. Not all shows have started yet but a significant portion have.

The show I was most looking forward to was "Heroes". NBC went way overboard with this one broadcasting a 2 hour premiere PLUS a one hour party (stars on the red carpet, clips from the show, screaming fans, etc) leading up to the premiere. I think they went overboard in hyping up the show... it was a good premiere but not worthy of the one hour scream-a-thon leading up to it. The episode also brought up so many questions but very few answers... intentionally I'm sure to get people to keep watching. However, the writers are in danger of crossing the line from intrigue to throw-hands-up-in-the-air-confusion which will lead to changing the channel.

I'm also looking forward to "The Office", "Grey's Anatomy", "House", "CSI", and "Lost". Unfortunately these are the shows that I tend to watch on DVD after the season has ended so I won't be able to comment on them for about a year LOL.

The new shows for this fall didn't look too interesting except for "The Mentalist". The show is about an FBI consultant that helps to solve crimes using his knack for reading people... a skill he used previously as a fake psychic. I watched the series premiere with high hopes but in a land with many one hour "procedurals" (CSI, Law & Order, Medium, Numbers, Bones, etc) the last thing we need is another mediocre one. There was very little about this show that was either new or interesting.... if you are going to copy some of the highest rated shows on TV then you'll have to do it as well or better than they are to get a share of the audience. This one just didn't cut it for me.

What were you (or are you) looking forward to? Did the premiere meet your expectations?

1 comment:

Louisa said...

I'm cutting back on my TV shows this year. (I know, it's shocking.) I'm cutting out Heroes and My Name is Earl but keeping House, The Office, and How I Met Your Mother. I'll catch Lost and American Idol when they start up (in Jan, I think). I'll also be watching lots of hockey, the Angel series on DVD (as soon as I pick it up from my friend), and playing Wii. And that, my friends, is how I spend most evenings at my house. Lol.