Sunday, April 19, 2009

A word about punctuality

This blog often contains my rants about situations in life that bother me. This will be no exception :)

This morning Vince & I went to Walmart. The best time to go is as soon as they open on Sunday... there is hardly anyone around and we never have to wait in line at the checkout. However, this morning we arrived at Walmart at 6:59, one minute before they opened (yup, we're early birds LOL). The doors were locked so we waited... and waited... and waited. At 7:05 we got impatient and went in a side door where we saw the night shift staff were leaving. The greeter person was there and commented that she was surprised that management hadn't come to open the doors yet. We agreed that since the store opens at 7:00am that yes, they should have come by now.

So anyways, this is just a bit of a rant about the annoyance of people not being where they are supposed to be at a certain time. Time is valuable and it would be nice if people were a little more respectful of others' time.

1 comment:

Louisa said...

Not to mention, being respectful of the money those people would like to spend in your store. :)