Thursday, June 01, 2006

Ding Dong, The house is gone

HO-LEE COW!!!!! What an insane couple of weeks I have just been through.

My house finally sold last night.... 3 weeks after it went on the market. I ended up dropping the price on Tuesday as I was starting to get antsy that it wouldn't sell in time... and the following day it sold :) What a relief to finally have that worry off my mind.

In other news, Mercedes and I went to the Ft McMurray show last weekend where she won 4 group placements including a group first!!!!! That was a first for both Mercedes and me so it was a huge thrill!

Well, now that the house has sold I can start letting the dogs run loose again as the house won't have to be pristine all the time :) I'm sure they will enjoy that more than the continual crate living they have had to endure over the last 3 weeks.


Louisa said...

LOL, I love the subject line. Congrats on being able to return to being messy. :-)

Carlson02 said...

CONGRATS!! On both the house selling and the wins with Mecedes.

Unknown said...

That's awesome news Vicky - I'm glad that our little "house-selling" dance in Fort Mac worked. *wink*

Anonymous said...

I just read your whole blog as I had fallen behind so badly. Gee, I really love your sense of humour. Huge congrats on the house selling and the Mercedes winnings ... even delicious Muligatawny soup ... maybe life is good after all. I will be glad to have you living nearer. Well done!