Monday, June 15, 2009

Well traveled eyewear

Today I wore sandals to work for the first time this year. At one point I slipped my feet out of my sandals at my desk and looked at the bottom of my foot. There was a strange light blue semi-circle on the bottom of my foot. I peeled it off and it took me a minute to realize what it was. Then I figured it out... it was a contact lens!

Last night I was in the shower and I decided that the next morning I would start a new pack of contact lenses. So I took my contacts out while I was in the shower to let them run down the drain. But it seems one got stuck to the bottom of my foot. It lasted through that shower, all night in bed, walking around the house and taking the dogs for a walk the next morning, a morning shower (where I obviously didn't wash the bottom of my foot LOL), and getting ready and driving to work. That is one sticky contact lens. :)


Lyndarae said...

Coralee has contacts too, I will tell her this funny story when she gets home from school. Look what I have missed out on when not on the blog sites

Unknown said...

OMG that is just TOO funny!

Anonymous said...

Could you see out of your foot?

{Sarah} said...

HEHEHHEE!!! Wow, that was one persistant contact lens!