Thursday, May 24, 2007

Class has been cancelled

I was supposed to take a "group instruction" class this weekend to learn how to be a group exercise instructor. Unfortunately they have cancelled the class due to low enrollment and the next offering is not until October!

Okay, so a 5 month delay doesn't seem like too much hassle, right? Except that this particular course had a pre-requisite course called "fitness theory" which was held the weekend before my wedding.... a very busy weekend as you might expect. So I had to reschedule a whole bunch of wedding stuff in order to take the pre-req which I now don't need for another 5 months. THAT'S what bugs me. Oh yeah, and it's best to take the fitness theory class and group instruction class fairly close together so the stuff is fresh in your mind for the exams. So I guess I'll be doing some studying mid-September to refresh my memory on various aspects of fitness theory.

So now I have a free weekend and it is forecasted to be sunny.... I see a motorcycle trip in our future :)


Klaudia Sosa SanRomán said...
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Louisa said...

Crappy about the class being cancelled (we also cancelled our plans for the comedy show to accommodate the earlier class)... but a motorcycle trip should be fun! You should ride the long straight road that is Highway 2 all the way to sunny Edmonton! :-) You can meet Darth Sparky (see my blog for explanation). :-)

Silverwood said...

Can you delete a comment if you want? That one at the top with the disgusting picture is AWFUL!!!

Anyway, too bad about your class. Do you want to do some dog training this weekend instead?