Tuesday, January 05, 2010

2010... A New Year's Resolution - week 1

My new year's resolutions in the past, like so many other people's, haven't had much staying power. So for 2010 I decided to do something a little bit different. I'm going to have a new resolution each week. They will be small things.... things that a perfect person would be doing anyways... but hopefully I'll be able to stick to them and by the end of the year I'll have 52 new good habits.

For this personal challenge I decided to make the week run from Monday - Sunday. I'll blog about each week's success or failure at the end of the week.

The first week of 2010 was an abbreviated week.... Friday January 1st - Sunday January 3rd. The goal was to drink at least 8 cups of water each day. Drinking enough water hasn't been much of an issue for me but over the Christmas break I noticed I wasn't drinking as much as usual so I used the first few days to get back on track.

I'm happy to report that week 1 was a success. I drank 8 or more cups of water each day and felt better for it :) I think part of the reason I felt better was because I was better hydrated but the other part is because I was getting control over an aspect of my health that I had let slide over the Christmas break. It felt good to have a goal/plan/schedule after some time without one.

The goal for week 2 is to do 20 minutes of cardio 5 times over the course of the week. It has to be done on 5 different days and has to be outside of my normal routine. I start teaching step classes again next week so this is partly to help me gear back up for them after taking a month off. Check back next week to see if I met that goal and was able to keep up with the week 1 goal.


{Sarah} said...

I like the idea of weekly resolutions. I am doing monthly this year - aside from my project 365. I have heard of people doing a word each year... like Simplify or something... a word to guide your year. Good luck.

Unknown said...

I also like the idea of weekly resolutions . . . it never even crossed my mind. This year I decided not to do any resolutions, but to continue with the healthier lifestyle I started in 2009.

Congrats on your success Vicky!