Friday, June 08, 2007

Unexpected obstacle in a motorcycle class

I'm taking a motorcycle class at the local college (which, BTW, I would 100% recommend to anyone who wants to gain some skills and confidence on a motorcycle). Last night we were riding a lot on the bikes and doing some slow-speed maneuvering. After a couple of hours of this my upper back was getting a bit sore so when I was sitting on the bike taking a break for a couple of seconds I stretched out my back. I was moving my shoulder blades together (sticking my chest out), then doing the opposite and rounding my back out. I did that a few times before it was time to start riding again.

So I was doing figure 8's on the bike and concentrating on what I was doing when I realized something felt funny. I kept riding to the next obstacle and did that maneuver too. Partway through I realized what was wrong.... my bra had come undone during my stretches and I was riding around completely unsupported! Talk about letting them flap in the breeze!

I figured we were close to the end of class so maybe it would be okay and go unnoticed (I was wearing a leather jacket so it wasn't too obvious) until we finished up. So we are riding around a bit more when the instructor pulls us all in and someone happened to mention that there was an hour left in the class. So I turned off the bike and said "I have to take a break" and started walking into the college building. I'm sure they all thought I needed to go to the bathroom (which is technically where I went) but there was no way I was going to keep riding for another hour with my boobs unsupported and an undone bra hanging off my shoulders..... no bloody way!


Silverwood said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ..... TOOOOOOO funny!!!

Anonymous said...

At least you didn't get your pants caught in the chain, have it rip your pants off and have to do the rest of the day with no pants on!

Unknown said...

At least it wasn't hanging out of your sleeve like a white flag! LOL

Carlson02 said...

Hehehehe.... glad it happened to you and not me! I love you!

Louisa said...

LOL, too funny! :-D

Anonymous said...

Funny things sure do happen to you as reading this I am reminded of the Sears trip. Never a dull moment Thanks for sharing, you are very brave