Sunday, May 11, 2008

Something that has always bugged me

Why oh why oh why do so many organizations group the prairie provinces together? I seriously don't understand that. Yesterday when I was in Tim Horton's they still had displayed their "Roll Up The Rim" rules and regulations in a poster on the wall. The cup distribution table caught my eye as it listed how many winning cups were sent out by province... or more accurately by region. They listed BC as one entity. Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, NWT, and Yukon as another (I guess Nunavut doesn't have Tim's because they weren't on there). Ontario as another region, then Quebec, and the maritime provinces were grouped together too. For geographical reasons I can understand why the maritimes are grouped together. But why oh why aren't Alberta, Sask, Manitoba, NWT, and Yukon subcategorized? I can see grouping Sask and Manitoba together for population reasons. Same with NWT and Yukon. I can even see grouping BC and Alberta together as we Albertans have much in common with our neighbours to the west. But for some reason that never happens. BC is always in a class by itself and Alberta gets lumped in with the other prairie provinces.

The same grouping happens in the CKC (Canadian Kennel Club). They list dog shows and trials by region. BC is its own region. Then all the prairies are lumped together. I have never been to a show in Manitoba and don't plan on ever going to one but in order to find my local shows I have to filter through the Manitoba listings in order to find what I'm looking for. BC people don't have to go through this rigmarole. Neither do Ontario people due to Ontario being its own region.

I think its time those of us in Alberta demanded answers to this question. Alberta's economy is booming, as is the population. We are, in many ways, more similar to BC than to Saskatchewan (sadly not in politics but hopefully that will change one day). Yes, the geography is similar to Saskatchewan in some ways (prairies) but we also have some beautiful mountain ranges, forests, and lets not forget the oil and natural gas, which sets us apart from the other prairie provinces.

Am I alone on this? Anyone else wonder why we Albertans aren't given the distinction of our own provincial identity?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I personally believe that we should not divide based on regions. I think the Roll Up the Rim rules should outline the following "regions":

1. Baldies
2. Blondies
3. Beer Belly-ies
4. Non-coffee-drinkeries
5. Other

Each group should have special rules:

Group 1
You must wear a toupee when claiming your prize.

Group 2
You must answer a complex mathematical question OR be able to bounce for 3 minutes before claiming your prize

Group 3
If you can "fit" into a tutu, you win your prize.

Group 4
You can get any prize by simply walking into any TH and asking for it. Nothing else is required. You can claim as many as you like.

Group 5
You cannot have any prizes.