Thursday, January 19, 2006

I over ate yesterday. So now what?

Yesterday was a bad day... food-wise. I can't seem to forget about it and move on though. So I thought "blogging" it (is that a word?) might help.

I am doing Weight Watchers and ate more than enough yesterday for 2 full days. The funny thing is, at the time I didn't feel like I was overeating. But this morning I feel bloated and puffy and almost sticky from the sugar I ate. Here's what I ate:

Breakfast - instant oatmeal (5 points) and tea
Lunch - cheese & crackers (7 points) and water
Supper - fries & gravy (9 points) and water
- large ceasar salad with extra croutons (24 points)
- cinnaparts from Pizza Hut (estimated at 8 points)

As you can see, I was doing okay until supper time. I was supposed to go out for dinner with my cousin so I planned on having a large salad (as I hadn't had any vegetables yet) but the plans fell apart and we ended up eating at a cafeteria where all the food was either deep fried or pre-packaged. In retrospect, I should have asked for them to make me a fresh sandwich but at the time it didn't seem like an option so I went for the fries & gravy. Then on the way home I was still hungry so I stopped at Pizza Hut for the ceaser salad and cinnaparts. Of course it COULD have been worse as I was tempted to get some cheese bread as well but thought I would "be good" and pass it up LOL.

Anyways, how can I move on from this? What's done is done and there is no changing the past. I'm not interested in being bulemic and even if I was it is too late to throw it all up now. So all I can do is let it pass and try to learn from the experience.

So what have I learned? I've learned that eating a lot of sugar makes me feel puffy & bloated the next day. I already knew this was true of salt & alcohol but now I can add sugar to that list. I've also learned that inspite of planning my meals, shit happens and all the plans can go out the window in seconds. So I just have to accept that and try to make the best food choices possible in the circumstances.

If I could go back and do it again.... I would ask for a fresh made sandwich on whole wheat bread instead of the fries & gravy. I would have also looked more closely at the pre-packaged snacks hoping to find some baked chips or a granola bar that is lower in point value. It wouldn't have been as enjoyable as the large salad in a nice restaurant that I thought I would have but at least it would have been more nutritious and less guilt-ridden than what I ended up having.

So today is a new day. I haven't eaten yet. I have nutritious food in my fridge and cupboards. I also have the motivation to make a salad and eat within my points range today. So now I'm going to post this blog, get up, and have a bowl of cereal & milk (2 points). Then in an hour I'll start making a salad to go with my low-fat pizza for lunch. I still feel a little guilty and pretty puffy but I can only move forward from here :)


Anonymous said...

Good on you. It is really hard to forgive ourselves for our own silly choices but you seem to be doing a great job of trying. DO NOT GIVE UP! One slip does not make you a failure. You have done a great job so far and you would be very kind if it was someone else who had a rough day.

Carlson02 said...

I know how you feel. I ate 4 cookies in the middle of the night when Brighton woke up, and I'm not feeling so hot this morning. You look great though, so keep up the good work with Weight Watchers!