Thursday, March 29, 2007

Having a great birthday

This morning I was woken up by Vince & the doggies as they presented me with a birthday present. It was to "Mommy" from "Gilly & Mercedes, woof woof wiggle wiggle" LOL. I got a card and gift certificate for a one hour hot stone massage at a local spa. I can't wait to use it. What thoughtful doggies I have :)

Then Vince told me I'll get my present from him at lunch time (argh! I hate waiting LOL). So I said can I at least have a song? Then Vince sang the following...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
You may be 33
But you don't look a day over 32
And I love youuuuuuuu

Is that the cutest thing? No wonder I love that guy to pieces. I think I'll marry him :)

Hope your March 29th is going as well as mine.


Louisa said...

AWWW and LOL. :-) I didn't know he was so musical.

Carlson02 said...

Awww... you have very thoughtful doggies, and rich ones too. I don't give my dog more than 5 centts a week for allowence, so they must have been saving their pennies for a long, long time :)