Thursday, September 18, 2008

When did flushing become optional?

Under what circumstances would a person use a public washroom and then opt to not flush the toilet when they are finished? Seriously!

It's an automatic reaction for me (and I assumed everyone) that when my business is finished I wipe, pull up pants, *flush*, and then leave the stall. Who forgets a step? Seriously!

If you are trying to conserve water then go ahead and do that at home. But in a public facility it's much nicer, not to mention hygenic, to start off with a clean bowl. To conserve water, many new toilets are designed to use only the minimum amount required to flush the contents away. I've even seen ones that adjust how much water is used based on the contents... you pull up on the lever for number one and push down for a deuce. Seriously!

So please, for the love of polite society, next time you use a public washroom flush the damn toilet when you are done..... SERIOUSLY!!!!!


BBKing77 said...

I'd like to try one of these "up for one, down for deuce" toilets. I don't think I've ever seen one before. Cool!

And yeah, not flushing is gross!!!

Louisa said...

"...flush the damn toilet..."

When did you become such a potty mouth?

Visichy said...

bbking - check out the facilities at the U of L sport & fitness center

weeza - what can I say... I'm passionate about this issue. Moreso than I am about the current federal election issues.

Louisa said...

I agree it's important. Public washrooms are gross enough without unflushed toilets. I was just making a lame joke...

Unknown said...

Never, never, never optional! EVER!

Anonymous said...

YUCK!!!! At the school in Raymond they have the duel flushers. Although they just have buttons on the top. One that is a half flush and the other for a full. You can even buy "tank savers" for your house.

Anonymous said...

If it's yellow, let it mellow.
If it's brown, flush it down.