Thursday, February 02, 2006

My Crispy Mini's Experience

At Scott's suggestion, I am blogging my experience with Crispy Mini's :)

In spite of their low fat qualities I stayed away from Crispy Mini's because they are so over-processed. I am not only trying to eat low-fat, but more nutritiously. Or "closer to the earth" if you will. That is tricky for me as I don't have time to do much cooking from scratch so a lot of what I eat is processed and pre-packaged but I try my best.

However, Crispy Mini's have a new whole grain version. I still probably would not have tried them but I had a coupon AND they were on sale so the almighty dollar ruled this transaction decision.

The whole grain Crispy Mini's come in three flavours.... Apple & Cinnamon, Mexican Fiesta, and Parmesean & Garlic. I opted for the Parmesean & Garlic. They were surprisingly tasty. Probably not the best for my breath ;) but still, quite enjoyable. For Weight Watchers, you can have 8 Crispy Mini's for 1 point. Not a meal but a decent alternative when you have the munchies.

Overall, I would recommend trying the whole grain Crispy Mini's. They are a nice light snack :)


Louisa said...

I thought Coffee Crisp was the nice, light snack. Mmm, Coffee Crisp...

(I know, I'm mean. How's the WW thing going?) :-)

Lyndarae said...

Parmesean & Garlic are Coralee's favorite, but she definetly does not recommend the cheddar, I haven't tried them yet.