Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Bra update and I'm too fat to get married

I went for my second dress fitting today. It seems that I am simply too fat to fit into the dress without some pulling/bunching happening on the front of the dress. I've tried (I swear to God I have honestly and truly tried) to lose weight but my body does not seem to want to cooperate with my efforts. I'm afraid come May 12 I'm going to be a fat bride but oh well... if I'm married at the end of the day then I guess that's all that really matters.

Anyways, the seamstress suggested I might want to try getting a bustiere (not sure how to spell that - boost-ee-ay) to wear under the dress as that may suck me in a bit more. And since I needed to go bra shopping anyways (see yesterday's post) I decided to stop at the mall to see what I could find.

First stop... Sears. No luck. Second stop... La Senza. I asked the staff about bustieres and they said my best bet was to go to a bridal shop (which is where I got the advice in the first place so I'm not going to have any luck there). I then had them measure me and, go figure, I was actually buying the right sized bras all along LOL. So I ended up buying another strapless bra as that may work under the dress better than the strapless bra I have been using. We'll see tomorrow (yet another fitting). Wish me luck.

Oh Sarah, I know the Bust Stop has moved out of the OWF mall but I'm not sure where they moved to. If you happen to see them in your travels, let me know where they are and I'll see if they have anything that might work for me. Thanks :)


Carlson02 said...

Vicky! The Bust Stop moved to Center Village Mall I guess. The mall with Canadian Tire and Zellers. It is closer to the Canadian Tire end. Hope you can find something.

Unknown said...

Oddly enough, I'm too fat for your wedding too! I have NO idea what I'm going to wear, cause nothing fits these days.

I'm sure you will be a beautiful bride . . . I wore a body garment under my brown dress to make it fit better. Not horribly comfortable, but it did improve the fit.