Monday, June 02, 2008


There are few things in this world that I feel as strongly about as mushrooms. I don't like the look of them, the smell of them, and especially not the taste of them. I don't have a phobia or fear of mushrooms. I just simply don't like them at all. Because of that extreme dislike, I feel I have just as much right to order restaurant food without mushrooms as someone who is allergic to mushrooms.

On the weekend we ordered pizza and I had my usual.... veggie lovers with no mushrooms. When I opened the box at home at first glance it appeared that they made my pizza correctly. But on further inspection I found small pieces of mushroom scattered throughout my pizza. It looked like they had made my pizza with mushrooms, then realized their mistake and tried to remove them but missed some of the smaller pieces. I was horrified! What if I was allergic to mushrooms? I could have become violently ill because of their mistake. If they realized their mistake before cooking (which they must have done as there no signs of mushroom imprints in the melted cheese) then they could have easily remade my pizza with only a minor delay. Believe me, I would have been happy to wait the extra few minutes for a pizza that no mushroom had ever touched. As it is, I have to inspect every piece of this pizza before I eat it and then re-inspect it with every bite. I have removed a few small pieces of mushroom from every piece so far.

It will be a long time before I order Pizza Hut pizza again. Which is okay because Douro's actually makes better pizza. They are out of the way but the inconvenience has now become more bearable because of their better pie.


BBKing77 said...

Ha ha, Vicky. You and I are so alike sometimes! I feel the same way, especially when it comes to pizza. Whenever I'm in a large group and there's pizza, I will literally not eat anything if all the pizzas have mushrooms. Occasionally I'll pick them off, but the little one's sneak in almost unnoticed, until I taste that horrid manure-mold, that is.

Oh, and I still think the best pizza around is Two Guys Pizza. (And since they've been rated the best pizza place in Canada, I must have good taste.)

Louisa said...

Sorry, I'm confused. Does Vicky eat mushrooms?

Anonymous said...

There are few things in this world that I feel as strongly about as humans. I don't like the look of them, the smell of them, and especially not the taste of them. I don't have a phobia or fear of humans. I just simply don't like them at all.

Every time I try to enjoy a night out at the pizza place, I end up being devoured by humans. Why do they like the taste of mushrooms so much??

I'm starting a revolt. If you want to join me, please send an email to:

I've found a great hiding place. It's a nice dung heap outside the back door of the Lethbridge Pizza Hut. Please take refuge with me.

If you know of any other humans that hate pizza, please contact me. I must spread the word that mushrooms taste awful.


Senior Bag O' Crap.

Louisa said...

Lol to the previous comment. Anonymous = Scotty???

Visichy said...

Yup, anon is Skottie.... not so anon anymore :)