Thursday, January 11, 2007

And now for something a little less interesting....

Christmas 2006 was great. It was our (Vince & I) first Christmas together so we started a few new traditions (getting new keepsake ornaments for the tree) and continued some old ones (mini boxes of cereal on Xmas morning).

We both got some great presents but the funniest has to be the toy motorcycles that look exactly like our real motorcycles from Sarah & Todd. There were instructions on the gifts that said we had to open them at the same time so it was really cool to open them and see at the same time that we got miniature bikes. They are so cute and have a place of honor on the TV stand so we can see them all the time... even when it is too cold to ride our real bikes (like right now).

I have had some of the worst New Years celebrations ever so I haven't done anything for New Years Eve in a few years. But this year Vince & I decided to invite some friends over and do a casual party for anyone that wanted to drop by.... and it was the best new years ever :) As planned, it was very casual.... just some snacks placed out and people came by to chat, watch some DVD's, eat, and just have a good time. Then we had champagne at midnight, watched some more DVD's (although I went to bed before 1am as I was falling asleep in front of the tv), and the celebrations continued. It was exactly what I would have wished New Years to be.... fun but casual.

A few days ago I went to the ASC winter flushing spaniel show in Philadelphia. It was great to see so many nice dogs and meet new people. After the show I went to Connecticut to meet Harley, Mercedes's dad. He's a gorgeous dog and it was great to finally get my hands on him and to see his personality. It was great to get to know the dog beyond the show photos (which is basically all my decision to breed Sienna to him was based on).

The trip home after ASC had a few hiccups due to flight delays caused by the weather. So when I made it to Calgary but missed the flight to Lethbridge Vince said he was going to drive up to Calgary to get me. The reunion with him at the Calgary Airport is a moment I'll never forget. It was so romantic of him to make the long drive in the middle of the night to pick me up (and he brought me flowers too!). Poor Vince ended up getting just 1.5 hours of sleep that night before having to get up and go to work. He scored a lot of points with friends and family by doing that :)

So over the last 3 weeks.... Christmas, New Years, and travelling to ASC... I have put on a bit of "holiday weight". Unfortunately it's a total of 8 lbs so I have some extra work to do to get down to my goal weight for the wedding. I'm able to change my eating to get back on track but I'm battling a cold which makes going to the gym tricky. Luckily I have the option to do some working out from home since we bought a Bowflex and an Elliptical Trainer in the last month or two. I have started a new 2007 weight loss chart which you can check out here.

I hope all of you have a wonderful 2007 :)


Carlson02 said...

I'm so glad you liked the bikes. When we saw them in the store it was one of those "We just have to get them" moments. Thanks for inviting us over for new years. Glad your back home safely and that you had a good time.

Anonymous said...

Great blog .... very interesting.