Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Just call me Goldilocks

Online dating is so bizarre. I'm 0 for 4 right now....

The first guy wanted me but I didn't want him.
The second guy didn't stick around long enough to even exchange real names LOL.
The third guy didn't want me but I wanted him - sigh.
The fourth guy I'm meeting tomorrow but I'm fairly certain he and I are looking for different things.

So that's four misses in a row. Goldilocks only had to try two bowls of porridge.... one was too hot and one was too cold... before finding the one that was just right. How many "bowls of porridge" am I going to have to sample before finding the one that is just right?

PS. anyone who posts in the comment section with the advice to "just blow on it" to cool it down will be banned from all future commenting LOL


Anonymous said...

I think the problem is your focus on porridge. What you're looking for is the guy with the strongest, longest, widest baseball bat. These always hit home runs. Also, note the shape difference. If you really think you want to focus on things that are circular/oval, then I suggest speaking with Ellen DeGenerous (sp?).

Make sure you bring a measuring tape next time.

Anonymous said...

I don't envy you - dating of ANY sort is no fun. It's stressful, nerve-wracking, and hard work! Good luck

Louisa said...

LOL, your posts are the best. Good luck with the porridge.