Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Attitude is everything

I've been watching Beauty And The Geek off and on since it started. The episode that was on tonight was the "geek makeover" episode that they have every season. In this episode the remaining geeks are sent to a salon for a total body makeover (hair cuts, facial hair trim, even chest & back waxing) and dressed in stylish clothes so they look amazingly different from the first few episodes. These guys are sometimes unfamiliar with basic hygiene (ie. never use deodorant, shower every few days, etc) so the transformation can be surprising and always for the better.

But this year one guy, Joe, was so upset with his transformation. He said it was disrespectful to his fashion sense and the style he liked to portray. This is one of the guys that had hygiene issues and desperately needed some fashion and basic cleanliness help. He was constantly complaining and bringing everyone within earshot down.

Watching this guy's attitude affect everyone around him made me realize how important one's attitude is to success in life. There's nothing wrong with vocalizing displeasure over something but letting it go on and on to the point that it's bringing other people down is unattractive and makes people want to keep their distance from you. There is so much to be learned from Beauty and the Geek LOL.

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