Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ya know that feeling when you have to pee?

You know that feeling when you have to pee but you really don't want to waste the time or energy to actually get up, walk all the way to the bathroom, go through the whole routine there, then walk all the way back again? It rarely happens at home but at work I go through it every single day.

When I have to pee at work I just HATE it. The bathroom is far away (relatively speaking), my cubicle is so small that I have to shimmy sideways to get out from behind the desk, and if I stop what I'm doing when I'm in "the zone" I know it will take a while to get back into "the zone" when I get back. So I put off the trip to the bathroom as long as possible... I'm literally doing the fast walking pee-pee dance on the way to the ladies' room most times.

But here's the strange thing.... sometimes my bladder will give me a reprieve. It's like I have to pee SOOOOO badly that I'm doing the pee-pee dance while seated on my desk chair (ladies, you know what I mean LOL). And then a couple of minutes later I don't have to pee so bad anymore. I still need to go but the desperation is gone. Has anyone else experienced that? It's very strange. But of course it is only temporary as within about 10 minutes (I've never timed it... just a guess) I'll have to really pee and quickly. There is no reprieve the second time.

Okay, I know this is a very strange post but I'm going through it so I thought I'd share :)

1 comment:

Louisa said...

Lol. Be good to your bladder and it will be good to you.

I avoid going to the bathroom too, but for a different reason. The nearest bathroom to my office is dark and dingy. I sometimes wish for more light, but that would only highlight how gross the room is. Sigh.