Saturday, September 30, 2006

An irony of weight loss....

Have you ever seen a woman that has recently lost a LOT of weight? I mean at least 50 lbs?

Women (men seem to be exempt from this... at least to the degree women experience it) lose weight first in their upper body from about waist up. When they say "the boobs are the first to go", it's true LOL. Then the weight comes from the lower body from about mid-thigh down. Then finally, possibly mother nature's way of protecting the reproductive organs?, the bulk from waist to mid-thigh melts away. So what this means is a woman who is working out so hard, eating right, skipping the high calorie treats, and basically doing everything in her power to end up with an hour-glass figure actually ends up with a diamond shaped figure... the exact opposite of her goal. A very sad irony.


Anonymous said...

Fat is a soquid -- somewhere betwixt a solid and a liquid. It needs time to redistribute itself through out your body.

To encourage this process, you must follow these 3 rules:

1. Rotate. You must rotate 1/4 a turn every hour during sleep. You can accomplish this by sleeping in a hammock.

2. Heat. By nature soquids aren't fully fluid. To encourage distribution you must keep the room temperature over 27 celcius.

3. Bounce. You must encourage movement of the soquid. To do so, you must be in constant movement. Bouncing is a good way to do this. Not only does it keep the soquid moving, but it also attracts attention. It will improve your social life.

I have also seen others wrap themselves up like a mummy. I tried this once, but it was very constricting. But if you like that sort of thing, go for it.

Louisa said...

LOL, is that Scott writing about the soquids? What a ham.

About your post... So much for diamonds being a girl's best friend. I've noticed that too about women who lose a lot of weight. It doesn't always come off where you want it to.

You should try Scott's thing about wrapping yourself up like a mummy - at least around the waist to see if you can get a svelte waistline back. Who knows, that might actually work. :-)

Anonymous said...

It worked for the chinese to have small feet. Maybe it works for the hips/waist too.