Sunday, August 27, 2006

Happiness in life....

My personal opinion is that it is really difficult to find happiness in life. I mean real, true joy.... not "they gave me fresh french fries at McDonalds instead of cold ones" happy... I mean the real "I'm happy with my situation in life" kind of joy. So, I think as long as you are not hurting anyone else, and you have found a way to be really happy then grab on to it with both hands and don't let go! If that means going to Star Trek conventions, or installing a hot tub in your backyard, or being in a gay relationship, or living in a small town in Saskatchewan, or maybe all of the above.... then (to steal ever so subtly from Nike) JUST DO IT! And don't let the opinions or actions of others keep you from what makes you happy.

There is a lot of misery in this world. I mean a LOT of misery.... watch CNN for 30 minutes once in a while and you'll see all the crap going on in this world. And on top of that, life is very short... too short. So for the short time we have to enjoy life, why not enjoy it? Live the life that YOU want to live.

I'm not trying to take away from the responsibilities of being a grown-up and a good citizen (which falls under the "as long as it's not hurting others" part of my message). I'm talking about living a lifestyle that makes you happy within those responsibilities. All things are possible. If you are unhappy with your present lifestyle then change it... do whatever it takes to make yourself happy in life. Life is just too short to be miserable.


Louisa said...

Hear hear! Great message. Parts of your message remind me of parts of the book/movie "Where the Heart Is" where they talk about all the horrible things that happen sometimes, but you look at the things that are good in your life and you hold on tight. Hugs.

Unknown said...

Definitely a valid post today . . . so many people are afraid to do what makes them happy, and they spend their lives either sad or angry or whatever. I believe in doing things for ME, as long as it doesn't negatively impact others. And so far, I think my life is pretty good, even with its ups and downs. You're a smart, smart lady!