Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Twas the day before the weigh in....

The day before the weekly weigh in is a tricky day because what I eat today can have a big impact on my weigh in tomorrow. However, I don't want to use all my tricks for a good weigh in tomorrow as that will just set me up for a gain the following week. So I'm trying to eat "normally" but just avoiding extra salt and all alcohol. Salt and alcohol = major water weight!

Unfortunately I had a bit of an injury at the gym on Friday (rolled my ankle and landed on my butt.... I looked so cool! LOL) so I haven't been able to work out for the last 3 days. I'm going to the gym today for a class but if my ankle starts to hurt I'm going to have to ease off and give it another couple of days. The last thing I want to do is make an ankle injury worse and have to stay off it even longer.

This reminds me of a story I read on an online bulletin board once. A lady posted about how difficult it was for her to lose weight because she was confined to a wheelchair and had no use of her legs at all. The major muscles that really get our heart rates up for a good cardio workout are in our legs. So without the use of those muscles she had to find alternate ways to get a cardio workout. She bought a treadmill but it had to be a special wide one that could accommodate her wheelchair. But even with the special equipment it took her so much longer to get an effective workout. When I read her story I felt incredibly lucky to have the use of my legs. I said to myself that I would never again whine about working out because I COULD work out. It really motivated me to get up and start moving and to be thankful for my ability to work out and do so many things that I take for granted. :)


Carlson02 said...

That lady reminds me of my Dad. One day I asked him if there was one thing he wished he could do (like you always hear people say things like I want to be able to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes, or have the motivation to walk to work everyday, ect.) Well his response to my question was, he wants to be able to know what it feels like to run. I thought, even though I'm not in really great shape at least I can do it. He can't even remember his few years as a child when he was able to do it. After that I realized how many things I take for granted.

Oh... and good luck at the weigh in tomorrow!

Louisa said...

Cool post from Vicky and cool comment from Sarah. Thanks for sharing!