Tuesday, August 15, 2006

These are my strengths....

After yesterday's "I'm such a loser" blog, I have decided to dedicate this entry to things that make me a winner :)
  1. I make a kick-ass "Sunshine Chicken Salad". I know because I just had one and it was awesome!
  2. I have "stick-to-it-iveness". When things are tough I stick it out and work through them.
  3. I can do a decent job of grooming and presenting a cocker spaniel in the show ring.
  4. I have strong skills in MS Office, especially Excel (I am some people's personal helpdesk with their Excel issues)
  5. I'm generous... sometimes too much as I think I can get taken advantage of if I'm not careful.
  6. I'm almost always in a good mood and smiling - stop laughing! I really am!
  7. I can knit, crosstitch, and am learning to crochet.
  8. I know what most hand tools are for and can do basic fix-it jobs around the house.
  9. I am reliable and can hold down a job... I have never been fired from a job and have only quit jobs for major life changes (moving, going to university, etc)
  10. I am loyal to my friends. I'll defend them whether or not I agree with them as I hope they would do the same for me.
  11. I'm a pretty good driver. Have only been in one accident that was my fault (extenuating circumstances... there were mechanical problems with the car from it sitting in a flood the day before - but still technically my fault).
  12. I give great hugs and, to the chosen few, great neck/back rubs.
  13. I have nice biceps. Seriously, ask me to flex for you sometime. :)
  14. I have good sportsmanship in the dog show ring. I ALWAYS congratulate the winner even if I thought their win was undeserved - it's the polite thing to do.
  15. I can add and remove links from an Italian Charm bracelet. Not with any great speed or proficiency, but I CAN do it.
  16. I'm empathetic. I don't always know what to say or do to ease their pain but I have empathy when people are going through a rough time.
  17. I have a sense of humour about myself. This is a biggie as it doesn't come to me naturally (I naturally take myself too seriously) but is something I've tried to develop.
  18. I recognize my weaknesses and try to change them. Just ask the trainers I have worked with at the gym and the Weight Watchers leaders I've dealt with.
  19. I occasionally have a spurt of artistic talent. If you have seen the serving plate I painted with a boxer & a cocker on it with no pictures to refer to, you'll know what I'm talking about.
  20. I stand up for what I believe in whether or not it's the popular choice.
  21. And finally, following Margaret's killer recipe, I can make the world's best cheesecake. Seriously, it is the best cheesecake in the whole wide world.

That's my list of strengths. I like how it is book-ended with food. Hmmmm, maybe that should be the first entry on my weaknesses list LOL.


Louisa said...

Aww, yeah, you rock. Hugs. :-)

Carlson02 said...

Yep you rock! I can make kick-ass cheesecake too :) mmmmm... cheesecake... maybe I will just go do that right now :)

Unknown said...

Yeah, you're a great "date" too! Don't forget that! And nobody can catch a dog while falling on wet, muddy steps like you can :)