Thursday, August 17, 2006

I can do it..... you can help!

This will come as no surprise to anyone who has met me or seen my picture..... I do not have a model thin figure! I could sit here and play the blame game but who really cares WHY I'm fat? I don't even care why I'm fat LOL. I just want to get down to a healthier and more attractive weight. You have the power to help me do that!

I have built a page on my website that charts my weight loss progress over time. It started on August 9th (the day I rejoined Weight Watchers after a 7 week "vacation") and goes until the end of the year. Because I'm a typical woman who doesn't want to advertise her weight (LOL), I have removed the numbers from the chart so you can't see exactly how much I weigh but there are lines on the chart that give it some perspective so you can see how far I have come and what my goals are.

I have charted to the end of the year as that will coincide with the ASC flushing show in Philadelphia (Jan 5-7, 2007) which has a formal dinner. I want to buy a new formal gown for the dinner and hopefully my body will be a lot smaller then and will fit into a dress I can only dream of now. :) It'll be my reward for 5 months of working hard to lose weight.

So how can you help me.....? Go to the chart on my website (you can also find it at the bottom of my "links" page).....

The theory is that if people are checking on my progress then that will keep me more accountable. I welcome any feedback about the chart. Is it clear? Is it missing any information? Any other ideas to keep me motivated? Let me know what you think. :)


Louisa said...

I'll check in regularly but you're so not fat.

BTW, when I first read this post I was just skimming it and I thought you wrote that you don't have model thin "furniture." I thought, why would you want to? Even if I were skinny I'd want to sprawl on a big sofa rather than perch on a skinny chair. :-) I digress...

Good luck with your health goals! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Fat Chicks Rule!

Anonymous said...

You could also build a food diary and post it for us to comment on!

Carlson02 said...

All the best with the goal to loose weight! Mine will begin after this baby is born... kinda hard to loose weight when you are prego :)