Monday, August 14, 2006

It's like high school all over again....

Do you ever have one of those moments where you feel like the nerdy kid in high school talking to the popular football player or cheerleader? You know... like you picture the good looking football player in his team jacket looking all slick and cool and you feel like a hunchback geeky girl wearing a threadbare, outdated dress (which your parents made you wear), big glasses, and stringy hair... and every word that comes out of your mouth sounds like the dumbest thing you could possibly say? I had that today.

I spoke to a couple of people on the phone who are the equivalent of the popular, talented, smart, and of course good looking, football players of my high school days. They are what I would call "cocker royalty" in the dog show world. These people have had tons of success in the US show rings where I am the pipsqueak from Canada who is trying to play in their game.

I'd like to think I carried on a normal phone conversation with these guys (hah!) but I was constantly questioning every word out of my mouth.... Was it stupid? Was it bragging? Did I sound arrogant? Was I funny? Did I accidentally imitate their accent? If I did, were they offended? Do they know I respect them? Do they think they are better than me? I should be respected, too... don't they know that? Do they even know where Canada is? Do they know where Alberta is? Do they care? Do they question every word out of their mouth like I do? Could I BE a bigger loser?

NO!!!!!!! I am the BIGGEST loser ever!!!!!

Imagine that dialogue running through your head with every word you say.... it's a little stressful. No wonder I sounded like a dork.


Unknown said...

Not sure who you talked to, but just because somebody has won in the ring in the US doesn't make them royalty or anything. They are just people, like you are. Remember my motivational saying - Even those top-winning OTCh dogs had to start somewhere. Show people are the same way.

Louisa said...

Yes, you are the biggest loser ever. Admitting it is the first step to becoming only semi-loserish.

Louisa said...

LOL, don't hate me for that last comment. Love ya! :-)